Monday, September 24, 2007

Corri of CC Design Tagged Me

Here is my one of my favorite bracelets created by Cori.

Tag I'm It. I've been tagged.
I've been tagged by Corri of : CC

Here's how it works. I need to list 6 things about me and then tag 6 other bloggers. Here is my one of my favorite bracelets created by Cori.
Now Six things about me.

1. My DH had to light my torch for months because I was so scared when it first ignited Thank God I finally got over that.

2. I have six brothers and sisters

3. I was 42 years old when I graduated college

4. I got married at 16

5. I have never kiss a guy that didn't have a mustache

6. I keep having this silly dream, that I won the lottery


Steph said...

What a great list!

I am scared of a torch too. I desperately want to learn how to solder, but am too afraid of the torch.


Anonymous said...

I love your 6 things.
I don't like to kiss a guy without a mustache either!